A generative system inspired by Calder Mobilés.
Edge of Chaos12/2022
Implementation of Edge of Chaos to learn zig for Web Assembly in conjunction with thi.ng/wasm-api. Usage of dynamic memory allocation on zig side to be able to change buffer sizes dynamically from Typescript. Learned about pointers and memory-address operators, and memory allocators. Simple pixels-simulation using DOM elements to create first outputs.
Cellular Automaton11/2022
I wanted to explore alternative forms to the classical top-to-bottom/bottow-to-top scanline growing behaviour in cellular automatons. These experiments use a grid of fields, where each field is initialized with different rules, growing directions and settings. The system combines two different variations: classical elementary cellular automata rules and a copy-pixel/plasma rule, which takes pixels from the neighborhood with a noise-controled offset like a stamp.
Koch Curves10/2022
Explorations of recursion with Koch Curve and Snowflake algorithms. Details are achieved by adding randomness and complexity with line connections.
Persian Recursion10/2022
Pixel recursion. Experiments with Persian recursion, as described by Anne M. Burns in 1997, Mathematics Magazine Volume 70, Issue 3. Pure WebGL implementation.
Drawing Bots08/2022
Drawing system which emerged from experimenting with recursion
Kuramoto Synchronisation03/2022
The Kuramoto model, as described by Yoshiki Kuramoto is a mathematical model used to describe synchronization in a large set of coupled oscillators. I used this model to learn about Transducers and create self-synchronizing oscillating visuals.
Bio Simulations10/2020
Results from 8 week online workshop bio-inspired simulation with compute shaders In Unity held by Arsiliath. Discussed topics were Cellular Automata, Moving Agents, Edge of Chas and Reaction Diffusion as well as instance rendering in Unity.
Supershape Lifeforms05/2020
Exploring the space of mathematical formulas to build generative shapes inspired by natural organisms. Created using my own python implementation of the supershape formula in Touchdesigner (article). Brought to live using math driven animations inspired by natural movements of organisms like breathing, growth or locomotion.
Curve Compositions01/2020
Geometry shader implementation for curvers with different stroke width in openFrameworks.
Tube Shaping08/2019
Shader to explore possibilities for shaping and manipulating tubes right from GLSL
Organic Bezier Shapes08/2018
Generative Towers06/2018
Series of generative illustrations inspired by the beautiful fortified city of Carcassonne in the South of France and Paul Maars book Türme